Bacon! Bacon! Bacon!
I am going to share with you How to Freeze Bacon for Easier Cooking Later.
Who doesn’t LOVE bacon? But who love’s the frying splattering mess of grease everywhere? Not me!
I know a lot of you probably already do this, and if you do GREAT, but if you don’t you must start 🙂 Utilize your oven and let it handle the mess for you.
Simply preheat your oven to 350 degrees F and either line with parchment paper or with a wire rack, to allow fat to drain through. Once baked until your desired “crispiness” remove from oven( I like mine crispy, and my husband loves his “raw” as I call it).
If you used parchment paper you will want to remove the bacon immediately from the pan , and place on a paper towel so it doesn’t cool in all that flavorful bacon fat.
You can also save the bacon grease by draining into a coffee mug and use for your morning eggs, or make a warm spinach salad by sautéing spinach in a little “gold”-aka bacon fat- with a little onion, bacon bits, and vinegar.
After the bacon cools, I layer the bacon between paper towels in between each layer, and then place in a zipbloc baggie and place in freezer.
Then I have bacon easily available for last minute QUICK dinners like BLT’s, salads, and breakfasts.
See more recipes with bacon HERE.
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