Anyone have days, weeks, or months that go by and you feel you’ve gotten nothing done? Then you open that closet or drawer in the kitchen and think to yourself, “I have got to get this cleaned out!” Just to be side tracked by another task? Does this resignate with anyone else besides me? If so, join me for a 5-Day Homemaking Challenge.
I know all of you turn to my blog for Quick Meals, but I have a few blogs I follow myslef, and ran accross this 5-day homemaking challenge from one of my favorite blogs MoneySavingMom. I thought blogging about my homemaking challenge would help keep me accountable, and its only 5 days so I figured it was
“Quick” enough to post 😉
There will be 5 daily challenges posted at 8 AM every morning. Click here to get the first challenge.
I will blog about my progress and hope to hear from you too in the comments or just hashtag #5daysTQM on facebook, twitter, or instagram to join in on everyones progress and possibly inspiration 🙂
Happy Homemaking!
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