Are you far from an expert at freezer meals? Do you often wonder if a meal can’t be frozen? Do you dread the big task by yourself on your day off but love the payoff? If you answered yes to any of these, well then I am here to offer some help!
Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert stocking your freezer with a few friends always makes the task seem a little less daunting. You get to talking and laughing and before you know if you have made 10 meals for your freezer all while having fun!
I have done several freezer meal workshops through other brands/companies over my course of becoming a mom and then started putting my own freezer meal plans together. So I am here to share with you a plan I have put together for my expecting sisters.
- First, we all collaborated a few of our favorite recipes. You can do this by creating a shared board on Pinterest or by emailing a few of your favorites. I recommend never doing more than 10 meals at at time or you will be in your kitchen all day long and never want to do a workshop again!
- Then, I typed up all the recipes in a Google Doc
- Then you create a shopping list by writing ingredients and then putting a Roman numeral after each ingredient that requires more than 1.
- Then, to try and streamline the process create a “TODO” list for each person helping with workshop. Like growing meat, chopping, and then assembling certain recipes.
It really is pretty simple. If you are interested in me creating your very own customized freezer workshop for you, you can click here to reach out to me and get more info.
Click HERE to get your Starter Freezer Workshop material 🙂
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